Tremor is an ability that allows its user to create earthquakes.

Lance's body surrounded by aura as he activates Tremor
As its name implies, Tremor's main effect is to cause the very ground beneath the user to shake. Beyond creating earthquakes, users of Tremor can increase the magnitude of the quakes they create and even redirect them.
While the ability is active, the user's eyes glow in their signature colour, and the user's body is surrounded by an aura in their signature colour.
- Earthquake Generation: Tremor's primary effect, users can cause the ground beneath them to shake and even fracture beneath their feet.
- Magnitude Manipulation: Users of Tremor can increase the magnitude of their earthquakes to wreak more havoc and destruction.
- Earthquake Redirection: Users of Tremor can also redirect their earthquakes to target specific foes.
Strengths & Weaknesses[]
While it pales in comparison with some of the strongest abilities introduced in unORDINARY, Tremor is highly powerful and destructive ability by its own right. Due to the nature of the ability, the Tremor user has direct influence over the very ground on which they stand, granting them tremendous range without the need of any projectiles. The tremors generated from Tremor can also disorientate grounded foes and cause said foes to lose their balance and disrupt their focus. Futhermore, Lance has diplayed that he can manipulate the magutude of his tremors and even redirect them towards specific foes. While the exact limitations of Tremor are currently unknown, the quakes generated from the ability are not only strong enough to fracture the ground beneath the user, but they are also strong enough to make nearby buildings appear as if they are shaking.

High flying can avoid terra that's no longer firma.
However, Tremor has on glaring weakness in that it only affects grounded foes; any airborne opponent can avoid the effects of Tremor entirely. Futhermore, the epicenter of the tremors appear to be the user's feet, and if the user cannot make physical contact with the ground, the ability will be practically useless.