UnOrdinary Wikia

Strong Punch is an augmentation ability that augments its user's fist.


As its name suggests, Strong Punch allows its user enhance their punch, allowing them to deal massive damage. It also appears to move as a blur.

When the ability is active, the user's eyes and fist glow in the user's signature colour.[1].

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

The primary strength that Strong Punch possesses is close-ranged destructive ability. As long as the ability is active, the user can leave craters on a solid wall without damaging their own fist. However, as the ability only augments the fist, opponents can avoid the punch or stop it by grabbing the user's arm as shown when John blocked and grabbed Crail's arm.[2] It is currently unknown if the Strong Punch can augment both fists as Crail was shown using only one arm.


