UnOrdinary Wikia

Skrev is a student at Wellston Private High School and one of it's many, many bullies


Skrev is an indigo-haired boy with golden eyes. He wears his uniform without the vest.


Much like other mid-tiers, Skrev enjoys beating those who are weaker than him. He is willing to take down a fallen god-tier for simple satisfaction.



Unordinary Ch 101

Skrev, along with Crail and Krolik was seen reading a bulletin board article about the crippled Seraphina. Seeing John and Seraphina trying to run away from them, he and Skrev pursue the two, but John fends off their initial attacks. Krolik shot a Lazor at the fleeing duo, pinning them down and giving Crail an opportunity to land a punch to John's face, while Skrev watches. Seraphina tries to order him and Crail to back down, but they no longer have any reason to fear her. The two are stopped by Blyke before they could try anything.

Powers & Abilities[]

Strong Kick: Skrev's ability, Strong Kick, allows him to physically enhance the bottom of his leg. As the name implies, he can deal massive damage with his kicks.

Skrev Look-Alike[]

Skrev Look-alike

A very bully that looks exactly like Skrev appears in Chapter 61, insulting John for making his uniform dirty. John calls this kid and his green-haired friend garbage, which deeply angers them. These boys are eventually both scared off by Isen.

The only difference is their speech bubble color, so we can not confirm whether this is him or not

