UnOrdinary Wikia

Sensory Control is an extremely powerful ability that allows the user to manipulate their target's senses.


Sensory Control allows its user to blind their target and render them useless.[1].

People that were affected of this ability were unable to see or perceive their surroundings.[1][2][3][4]


  • Sense Obstruction: The user can rob their target of all their senses, entrapping them in a dark, endless haze. [1][4]
  • Sense Adjustment: User can also enhance or reduce their target's perception. Case in point is when Sylvia nerfed the pain experienced by the officers who were attacked by John, so they can withstand him longer. The reverse can also be done when Sylvia intensified the pain John was feeling despite having an amplified Phase Shift.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

Sensory Control is capable of restraining God-tiers, such as John and Arlo by taking away their senses. This renders the target completely unable to perceive anything around except a dark, endless haze.

Defensive-based abilities like Barrier are able to stop this ability from influencing them. Abilities that enhanced its user's senses will be able to override this ability. For example, users of Aura Manipulation are still capable of locating enemies through their Aura Sense.



