UnOrdinary Wikia

Lazor is an offensive ability that allows its user to shoot a laser beam in their signature colour.


Upon activation, one of the user's hands will glow in their signature color, and a sphere of energy will begin to charge in it. Once fired, the Lazor will take the form of a continuous beam of energy fired from the user's hand.

Strengths & Weaknesses[]

While Lazor has considerable range and is strong enough to damage the wall of one of the Wellston hallways as well as leave a bloody wound on opponents, it takes a few seconds to fully charge. Users of Lazor are thus ill-suited for short-range combat. It is also unknown if Lazors can be generated from two hands at once but likely not, as it’s a mid tier ability limiting its versatility. It is known however that shooting pose allows the user to stabilize their shot, so the user can easily shoot their shot.[1]


Notes & Trivia[]

  • Krolik's ability is spelled "Lazor" as opposed to the traditional spelling, "Laser." This may be a reference to a popular internet meme "Imma firin' mah lazor."
  • Krollik's "Lazor" was compared to Blyke's "Energy Beam" as an example in the extra Tiers and Levels.[2]


