UnOrdinary Wikia

Hydrofreeze is an extremely powerful ability that allows its user to control water and ice.


Hydrofreeze grants its user the ability to convert themselves into water in its various states.[1]


  • H2O Transmutation: The user can transform their own bodies totally or partially into water in its various states. The water acts as an extension of user, who can direct it through the air as though it were a flesh and blood limb.
    • Hydrokinesis: Users can become living liquid. They are able to move about and spread themselves thin while transformed.
    • Cryokinesis: Users can freeze the water they manipulate, allowing them to turn their bodies into weaponry like knives and razors, create projectiles of solid ice, or freeze objects and persons.
    • Blunt Force Immunity: Users are somewhat protected from physical damage inflicted on their transformed body parts. Though ice could easily be broken by a myriad of abilities found in the world of unORDINARY, Liam demonstrated that even high-tiers who do so cause no real harm.

Strengths and Limitations[]

Hydrokinesis Barely Tangible Water

What a Zelda Water Temple feels like.

The primary strength of Hydrofreeze lies in its transformation properties. A user can infiltrate and exfiltrate heavily-guarded institutions by easily bypassing security measures a solid body might be hampered by. The same principle can be applied to retreats, as liquid forms can access escape routes that are otherwise too narrow to use. The lack of a brain or solid body parts does not seem to impair the user's faculties, as Liam was able to follow his targets in the form of a stream before striking.

Offensively, Hydrofreeze can be very deadly. It has been utilized to envelope people in a cloak of water in order to drown them. Ice can be used to immobilize opponents, as well as making for lethal weapons for both close-quarters and ranged fights.


Hydrofreeze Mirror Match 01

Hydrofreeze: New York style

A notable weakness is that the user must maintain concentration when attempting to weaponize their ability. While a quick shift into a liquid state can protect them from an attack, doing so sacrifices the focus required to keep water aloft.[2] The user can reduce the inconvenience of not being able to attack and defend at the same time by using the Cryokinesis aspect of their ability to hold multiple enemies in place. But there's no guarantee this will work all the time, as a sufficiently powerful individual can free themselves from such icy bonds.[3] When two users are in a fight against each other, it's possible for one in his liquid form to be frozen solid by his opponent. Again, this is not a surefire strategy if the target is more powerful, especially considering the ease at which strong users can naturally switch between water and ice forms at will.

Uno 289 10

A further weakness would be elemental disadvantage his ability has, being exposed to electricity was able to shock the user into submission. Opponents with the Lightning ability pose a logical threat to the user, although this may be dependent on the opponent's level and the ability's output voltage. [4]


Notes & Trivia[]

  • Due to the complexity of this ability, it is likely to be a high-tier ability. This was later confirmed to be true.
  • This is one of the few abilities which is linked to the manipulation of natural elements.
  • The clothes of the one known user of Hydrofreeze transform along with his body. How this is possible has not been explained.
  • While the passive for this ability is unknown, it can be assumed that it is likely linked to water.


