UnOrdinary Wikia

Flash Forward is an ability that enables the user to see the future.


The ability Flash Forward is unique in that it allows the user to see one second into the future, and show them the outcome of actions they chose to take.[1]


  • Future Fragmentation: This enables the user to see one second of the future. Depending on what action the user chooses to take, the outcome may vary.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

Flash Forward is unique in that it allows its user to catch a brief glimpse of the future, allowing users to accurately predict the outcome of their actions. Should an outcome be unfavourable, users of Flash Forward can prevent it by taking another course of action.

However, should the unfavourable outcome be unavoidable, for example if attacked by an attack that is too fast to be dodged, Flash Forward cannot do anything about it.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This ability happens to be similar to Clairvoyance. The only difference is that this ability only enables the user to see fragments of the future a few seconds ahead, Clairvoyance, which lets one see the farther future.


