Flame Claw is an ability that grants the user sharpened claws of fire on each of their hands. It is an ability that has famously been used by EMBER for the Conversion Technology alongside Lightning and a few other abilities.
The user has sharp, pointed claws on each of their hands, which they can cause fire to generate around to cause their attacks to char and burn parts of the body that they strike. They can also extend this production of flames around them in a small circle to fend off attackers, or as a close-ranged projectile attack.
Flame Claws is the go-to ability choice for Ember operatives. Tell-tale signs of burns and charring are commonly found on their victims,
It seems that the ability grants it's user resistance to the heat produced by their own claws as a Ember operative was shown touching his face without causing any burning. The user can also deactivate the flames covering their claws to prevent burning their extremities. [1]
- Pyrokinesis: Allows the user to manipulate fire, primarily around the hands. [2]
- Sharpened Claws: The user can pierce straight through a lower-tiers body. [2]
- Circle of Fire: Users can generate a circle-shaped fire around them. This is used as a projectile ability or up close.
- It is unknown if the branding of the EMBER insignia is performed by the use of this ability.