UnOrdinary Wikia
Fast Pass Warning

The standard warning included with all Fast Pass episodes. Don't know how this image was captured.

Fast Pass is a feature that was introduced in 2019 on the WEBTOON mobile app. It allows users to purchase access episodes of their favorite series ahead of regular release schedules. UnOrdinary first utilized this feature with episodes 135, 136, and 137 on April 3, 2019.

How It Works

In order to read Fast Pass episodes, one must first download the WEBTOON app and create an account. When that is done, the next step is to acquire Coins. There are two methods to obtain coins.

1. Purchase them from the Coin Shop on your profile. 2. Earn them through the Treasure Hunt tasks. (Coins earned with this method expire after a set period of days.)

It is then a simple matter of going to your favorite series and choosing from any of the available Fast Pass episodes. The number of coins required to unlock these episodes vary by series. The price tag for unOrdinary is 7 coins per episode.

UnOrdinary Wiki Policy on Fast Pass

Uru reply

We'll try Uru.

We here at the UnOrdinary Wiki are very stringent when it comes to the matter of Fast Pass. No users are permitted to divulge any story details until the episodes become free for everybody. Any breach of this rule will be treated as vandalism. This goes for articles, images, comments, blog posts, and discussions. Yes, that includes this article as well.

Repeat violators will be blocked for a minimum of one month without prior notice.

You may be tempted to break this rule for the following reasons:

  • An official name for a character or ability has been unveiled.
  • A character's long-awaited profile details, such as relations or ability info, have arrived.
  • The new episode confirms or debunks a prevalent fan theory.
  • A ship has officially sailed!
  • You believe that you can "safely" share info by prefacing your post or edit with "FASTPASS SPOILERS" in big, bold letters.
  • Other people have shared early access chapters on other websites such as YouTube, so it's "free" for everybody.
  • You're sick of discussing something you knew about three weeks prior.

You are urged to resist the temptation. None of these excuses will exempt you from being blocked by the Wiki Administrators. Uru-chan herself has requested that we keep Fast Pass info off of this wiki, and we have every intention of honoring that wish, even if others out there don't.

Additional Info

  • Do not confuse our Fast Pass ban for a ban on spoilers. This is a wiki. Spoilers are inevitable here. We are trying to ensure that story developments people had to pay for aren't given away for free.
  • Sometimes, something of interest occurs within the UnOrdinary community that bears relevance to an episode available only through Fast Pass. Make a personal note of it so that when the episode goes live, you can add it to the Notes & Trivia section of the corresponding article.
  • If you truly desire to chat about Fast Pass with other readers, you are free to do so on UnOrdinary's Reddit or designated Discord channel. Keep in mind that there are strict rules regarding where you divulge Fast Pass details on these forums as well.