Conversion Technology is an Authority-backed research conducted by NXGen investigating the root of all abilities in unORDINARY. It is currently being conducted at multiple branches including one in Arcwood.
The purpose of this research is to convert and transform an individual's aura into any desired ability and to control ability variables and create more reliable task forces.
There have been successful breakthroughs with the conversion of a subject's aura into different abilities, but it is not 100% efficient as notable aura is lost within the conversion process making it suitable only for high channel output users.
Conversion success is currently dependent on ability source.
Successful conversions so far
Sources obtained but not yet worked (higher-level abilities):
- Phantom Walk
Failed conversion examples,
- Future Sight
- Telepathy
The supported theory is that abilities which do not source from the physical plane cannot be converted. There has been success with partial physical sourcing, but abilities fully reliant on non-physical sources require further testing.
Conversion Technology is first suspected to be used by Valerie when Arlo mentioned that Valerie has a barrier ability similar to him, which confused Remi as her fight was with a Flame Claws user named Volcan who has an uncanny resemblance to Valerie.[3]
Square One[]
According to Simon, the location holding Jane is suspected to have ties with NXGen.[4] It has also been confirmed that Volcan is an alias for Valerie and that she was the one that killed Alana and fought Remi.[4]
Conversion Technology is first identified and named during Seraphina's infiltration of an NXGen facility in Arcwood.[5] It was discovered then that NXGen is conducting research into ability conversion technology with Patient Jane being an integral part of the research.[5]
After the completion of Seraphina's mission, Conversion Technology was sucessfully reversed engineered by Spectre. The converted sample was completed with the sample of Melvin's Aura and would be provided to two of Orrin's most trusted high-tier assets, as only high-tiers would be able to use the converters due to the aura requirement. [1]
After successfully converting 75% of Melvin’s ability, Candice was able to use it against Kayden. After re-awakening from using the ability recovery device, John notices it and is confused as the Candice’s aura and ability does not match. [6]
Notes & Trivia[]
- It’s been theorized that Valerie was using all three successful converted abilities, Flame Claws, Speed and Regeneration during her fight with Remi and Rei. [7] [8]
- It’s has also been theorized that Jane is the originator of Conversion Technology, being at the base of NXGen research and has a designated folder within their files.
- The folders accessed details the following directories, NXGen > Research&Development > Project E > Phase 2 > Conversion Technology
- Project E has been theorized to be an abbreviation for Project EMBER.
- The detailing of Phase 2 and Spectre's disinterest in a potential "Phase 1" suggests that they probably either have access to it or had already obtained it with a similar modus operandi.
- The successful conversion of Melvin's ability shows the possibility of obtaining abilities from a dead body which also explains how lightning was obtained from the vigilante X-Static.
- It is unknown if the effects of the Conversion Tech are permanent or temporary or if the converted user gains the access to the converted ability's passive effect.
- It is also unknown if the aura lost during the conversion affects the ability level of the converted user.
- John with his Aura Manipulation was unable to copy or read converted abilities, as shown when he was unable to copy Melvin's Spectral Claw from Candice.
- Like with Aura Manipulation, users with converted abilities are capable of combining them with their own such as when Candice combined Duplication and Spectral Claw, to give all her clones a claw to increase their attack power.