UnOrdinary Wikia

Conjure: Disks is a versatile ability that allows its user to summon large disks that serve a multitude of applications.


Unordinary Conjure Disks 02

This article could be just this picture and the title.

A user of this ability can summon a set number of floating disks of their signature colour and move them around at will. The disks are razor thin, yet very durable. Skilled users are capable of simultaneously controlling all of their disks at once, while utilizing a different purpose for each one. Conjure: Disks does not require its user to move around much, though it seems that arm gestures help guide each of the disks.


  • Attacking: The disks can be used offensively as high-velocity projectiles that can cut opponents. The disks can also be used to destroy the surrounding area, and they were shown to carve asphalt.
  • Defending: The disks may also serve for defense, as they can withstand all but the most powerful attacks. A sufficiently powerful hit may crack the disks or even shatter them entirely.
  • Hoverboard: Users can even use their disks as floating platforms for the purposes of increased mobility.

Strengths and Limitations[]

As to be expected for such a versatile ability, Conjure: Disks makes its user a force to be reckoned with. Pragmatic users are able to use some of their disks to attack opponents, keep others back to protect themselves, and even use one as a hoverboard all at once. Though the disks can become cracked over the course of a fight, they remain as effective as they were undamaged.

However, using this ability to its fullest potential requires its user to remain incredibly focused. Distracted users can fall victim to opponents taking advantage of certain blind spots. While other defensive abilities such as Barrier totally encompass their users, a single disk isn't large enough to shield a Conjure: Disks user entirely. Multiple disks must be designated for defense in order for a user to adequately protected, and even then there may be exposed gaps which opponents can shoot through.

While Conjure: Disks users are able to use the disks as platforms, skilled opponents are capable of doing the same.

Should any disks be shattered, users will have to strain themselves in order to conjure replacements. Knocking out the user will shatter all existing disks instantly.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Lennon used the Ability Amplifier to become as strong as a high-tier, so it's likely that he would not have the significant advantages he showcased without the boost.
  • Several months before this ability debuted in the story, Uru-chan asked her followers on Twitter for ideas on a new projectile ability. One particular thread suggested the idea of destructive disks.

