Don't waste my time.
- Seraphina to Gavin
This is the fifth chapter of unORDINARY.
Knowing that a fight had to have caused that shake-up, Darren curses up a storm and furiously begins to stomp out of the infirmary to deal with the little miscreants who got themselves hurt. He does not leave before glaring at John and commanding him to stay until he recovers. John swears to follow his orders, wanting nothing but his best friend's company. Against his better judgement, Darren leaves John and Seraphina unsupervised, and the duo immediately leave shortly afterwards.
In the aftermath of their first tussle, Gavin recovers from his fall and vows to destroy John. Luckily for him, John is standing at the nearby entrance of the school. Gavin wastes no time and takes his chance at revenge. John tries to convince him to let bygones be bygones, but Gavin only has a mind to pound John into the ground. However, Gavin's vendetta would be thwarted when he realized that John is accompanied by Seraphina, aka the the strongest student of Wellston. She makes her desires plainly known: yield.
Despite clearly being a nervous wreck, Gavin claims that any Royal who hangs out with cripples all day couldn't possibly be all that. He starts to say that she ought to leave him alone, but he's sent flying into a wall by Seraphina's unmatched power before he could finish. The woozy bully, slow to figure out what hit him, sees that Seraphina is looking particularly dangerous. She tells him not to waste anymore of her time. Foolishly, Gavin attempts to attack, but he can't even lay a finger on someone so fast. He has just enough time to realize his mistake before Seraphina knocks him out with one blow.
The pair of besties then decide to get drinks, and Seraphina decides that John has to pay for them. John takes a moment to assess Gavin, and feels uneasy at the sight of a bloodied, unconscious enemy. He follows behind Seraphina, who is happily oblivious to his inscrutable face.
Appearing Characters[]
Appearing Abilities
Notes & Trivia[]
Time Manipulation's debut, with faintly visible neon green gears.
- Gavin's ability de-activates when he's unconscious, implying that Stone Skin requires its user to be conscious to use the ability.
- While Time Manipulation makes its debut in this episode, the ability's effects would not be properly seen until Chapter 10.
- Time Manipulation initially appears with a neon green gears. These would be replaced with magenta gears in later chapters.
- The ability itself would not be properly named until Chapter 51.