UnOrdinary Wikia

Our job is to investigate and get to the bottom of this, alright?

- Kassandra

This is the 312th episode of unORDINARY.


Arlo and Kassandra are walking around the city, with the latter uses her ability to scout Spectre's hidden facility. She manages to locate one particular building where no one has been seen entering and exiting it in the last hour. Arlo thinks that detail were very odd considering how busy the surrounding area is. They decide to investigate the building.

They enter the facility and encounter the receptionist. She were surprised by the visitors and tells them it is a private facility. Kassandra bluffs by telling her she needs to attend the call of nature. The receptionist then shows her where the restroom is. Inside one of the bathroom stalls, she scours the place by utilizing her ability. The lack of functioning elevators raises her suspicions, who then continues to look for other things hidden within this building.

Meanwhile, the receptionist secretly monitors every nook and cranny of the lair. Her attention is particularly on Arlo, who waits for Kassandra on the lobby. He looks at the camera that were trained on him, catching the receptionist off guard with his perceptiveness. She observes the data of the guests, becoming aware of their actual identities. The lack of Wi-Fi signal alerts Arlo, who finds this strange due to the facility being in the center of the city.

Kassandra emerges from the bathroom, expressing her 'relief' after attending the 'business'. She and Arlo are about to leave when the presence of Ability Dampener makes itself known. He tries to prevent the rolling door from shutting them here, to no avail. Kassandra then attempts to arrest the receptionist, but she phases through the floor. Arlo warns her of the surveillance, with her destroying the cameras. She shapes her ability into a giant fist, then punches the door with it. Her effort does not even make a dent. She voices her doubt on Arlo's informant, who she feels might set them up. He avoids addressing the question, instead points out that the mechanism of this facility existed to trap and catch high-tiers. This only serves to add Kassandra's suspicions on him.

They try to contact the outside world when gas starts oozing from the ventilations. Arlo shields them from it, but his nervousness about their predicament were noticed by Kassandra. She reaches out to him, reiterating her trust in him and tells him of her plan. Few moments later, the receptionist returns to the sight of them 'knocked out'. She informs the "janitor", who then arrives and asks for her assistance in subduing their guests. Suddenly, Kassandra wakes up and neutralizes him. Arlo soon joins her and apprehends the receptionist. Kassandra introduces herself before she starts interrogating them.

Appearing Characters[]

  • Arlo
  • Kassandra
  • Spectre Receptionist
  • Spectre Surveillance Team
  • Spectre Clean-Up Guy

Appearing Abilities


