UnOrdinary Wikia

Nothing. My channels are completely closed off.

- John

This is the 265th episode of unORDINARY and the first chapter of the Escalation Arc.


At Wellston Hospital, on one of its room, Blyke is complaining to Isen about having to stay there for a longer while. The Jack is having none of it. Arlo and Remi are checking up on the two, the latter wondering how long until her best friends are discharged. Isen says he probably need 1-2 days until he fully recovers due to his injuries. He also makes his discontentment about the hospital's medicines known, with him preferring their school old nurse's potions and wishes he never left. Arlo is not surprised at the man leaving his job, argues that he probably found a better one where he doesn't have to tend injured teenagers all the time. Blyke asks if any of them had visited John, who bears the brunt of the ordeal, which Remi says were next on the list.

In another room, John wakes up to a bouquet of flowers and a "Get Well Soon" card from the Safe House. His visitor, who were asleep at his bedside, soon joins him on the land of the living. He finds out from her that he is out for almost a day, similar to her case. Seraphina asks him to activate his ability to no avail. He doesn't seem worried, as this means he won't have to be cautious of losing control again. Seraphina disagrees, but he insists that were it not for Arlo, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from beating up the town's riff-raffs. She refutes his claim by pointing out he did stop eventually, and also saved the Safe House, meaning he used his power for a purpose. She urges him to have more faith in himself. John concedes while also acknowledges his powerlessness, which Seraphina plans on doing something about it.

Remi and Arlo enter the room, and the blonde pokes fun of John's attire which ends with them arguing. Remi was glad at his recovery, considering his unresponsiveness yesterday made everyone worried. John requests an update on Terrence, which Arlo supplies: they led everyone down the hill and contacted authorities, but most of their attackers had fled, which left only the rat and a handful of his accomplices imprisoned. Remi adds that everyone were mostly fine, except their headmaster who receives the most scrutiny from his superiors in the aftermath of the attack. She assures John that his current 'situation' is under wraps and thanks him for his help, adding that the Safe House will have his back.

Back at Wellston, Arlo is walking along the hallway and in the middle of texting his aunt about the interview when he overhears the crowd marvel in awe at someone. He sees Keene escorting the person in question and greets him, with the woman secretly wonders if Arlo is her boss' nephew. Keene introduces her to the former King and the two of them formally shake hands. The formality were cut short due to her about to meet the headmaster.

Appearing Characters[]

Appearing Abilities


