UnOrdinary Wikia

He's the one we were warned about in the report...

- A Spectre Agent on John

This is the 262nd episode of unORDINARY.


Rowden Hill[]

11:15 AM[]

While John is occupied in the heart of the latest fray, Blyke checks in with Isen. The Jack is charged with protecting the club while the King focuses on fighting against the first group of attackers. Isen is still badly hurt, but pulls himself up to fulfill his duty. Blyke fires energy beams at the charging Spectre agents, knowing full well that his current best wasn't good enough. Blyke's focus blinds him to another incoming shot from the remaining sniper. Isen pushes him out of the way just in time, and Blyke returns the favor by shooting a Spectre agent about to stab his friend with an ability-enhanced knife. The duo are barely able to defend themselves, let alone everyone else. But they fight on.

Back at the second wave, John continues to let loose. He's doubly-disgusted that his new enemies seek aren't satisfied with oppressing just Seraphina. Aiming to quash their ambitions, John fires off with double dose of beams. The shots are blocked by a shielding ability. The agent using it tells their markswoman to get ready to fire at the first opportunity. John dodges, but gets grazed by the counterattack. Another agent rushes in and slashes his forearm. But John has never let pain and blood loss stop him before, and he takes out the culprit with some savage strikes. The other agents recall this scrapper's description from the report, and take care not to underestimate the threat just because of the dampener.

From up above, Terrence and his team survey the action. With only fifteen minutes before the dampener wears off, Terrence orders them to action.

11:20 AM[]

Remi and Arlo find themselves at the same disadvantage, and it's only getting worse. Remi realizes what the touch of the blonde agent has done to Arlo, and tries to figure out a way to snap him out of his drowsiness. She tries yelling at him to move out of the line of fire, but it's no good. Arlo defends against the next wave attack with the last of his energy before drifting off to dreamland. Remi, absolutely unwilling to carry the gigantic third-year any more that day, zaps him back to his senses. The sandman tries his trick again on Remi, but she narrowly avoids his touch, and a wide-awake Arlo punches his ticket to the Dreamland Express instead. The agent skids to a halt next to the long-distance wave attacker, allowing Arlo to trap both of them in a barrier. He gives Remi the signal, and she turns his dome into an electric cage trap. The female agent fights through the shock, and tries to use her ability to break out. Arlo and Remi are forced to keep up their assault, which leaves them as sitting ducks for the other two Spectre agents. Arlo is certain that their number is up.

Then, out-of-nowhere, the two free agents get blown to the side. It's all because of the blinding speed of Seraphina, whose timely intervention allows Remi and Arlo to finally take down the Spectre specialists. Seraphina is not happy about being right to assume an ambush in the mountains. She checks in with her allies, and asks about the others. Remi mentions the (unfortunately distant) explosion that they saw before is where they should head. Seraphina is disoriented from all the exertion, which Arlo warns her about. She responds that there's no time to waste on her well-being, and begins marching towards the fight.

As all that was going on, John came up with a strategy on the fly. Realizing that he can't break down the wall, he'll have to feint around it. But the only chance of success lies in the right diversion. John sees the markswoman charging up another big attack, and prepares to counter it with one of his own. The beams collide in a blinding flash. By the time the shield is back up, the Spectre agents have lost sight of their opponent. Their surprise attack gets spectacularly turned against them, as John shoots then blitzes the beam attacker. Before the barrier warrior can put up another wall, John shoots him in the wrist and takes him down. John aims his next beam at the unconscious guy's head. But before he can fire, the pesky sniper hits him in the leg. John is forced to scramble from follow-up shots without the benefit of being able to stand.

Blyke and Isen continue to watch each others' backs as the fight for dear life. Blyke notices John's plight and ensures that Isen is certain about going solo for a bit before attempting a rescue. When he arrives, John asks why he's out in the open. Blyke informs him that they're both making it back to the group. As he's brought back on his feet, John finds himself admiring his successor's perseverance.

Isen is discouraged that the guys they knock down don't stay down. But a surprise well-placed shot on a Spectre agent seems to be a sign of headway. Isen turns around to see that John and Blyke are working in sync.

Appearing Characters[]

Appearing Abilities


