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This has nothing to do with you!

- Arlo

This is the 241st episode of unORDINARY.


John sits at a desk in Safe House, having returned as promised. Other members mutter amongst themselves about what his angle could be, showing up and taking an entire portion of the room to himself. John turns to add his two cents to the conversation: huddling to the opposite side of the room was their choice, not his. Irritation at such indiscretion is the least of his problems though, as John still has no clue who possesses the ability to turn invisible.

Terrence enters the room, and receives greetings from Evie. As she asks for his input on how their group should spend their time in Rowden, John observes the exchange. He feels that Terrence looks awfully familiar. After racking his brains for a minute, he realizes where he had seen him before! He was in the hallway four months ago, being attacked by Gavin. And a fleeting memory of his ability's aura at the time makes everything click. The phantom stalker is Terrence! John stands bolt upright, which causes a panic in the room. Remi glares at him, prepared to intervene if an incident occurs. John stops staring Terrence down when a glance towards the onlookers reminds him that all eyes will always be on him. Unable to act, John sits back down, having to remain content that he knew who to look out for now.

On the school's rooftop, Seraphina shares her latest Spectre intel with Arlo. She believes that, thanks to Terrence, the organization became wise to the Rowden field trip and assigned her to work there. And all for the purposes of isolating a high-tier target far from the safety of the school. Arlo asks who Spectre had in their sights this time. Seraphina mentions among the documentation she sifted through while on the job, Remi and Blyke had some of the most extensive profiles. Arlo can't believe it, but Seraphina reminds him that the strong will always garner interest. Arlo wants to know more, but Seraphina informs him that it was impossible to pry any further without getting caught. She tries to assure her frustrated partner that there was no guarantee of an outright attack, only for Arlo to throw the stunt they pulled at the cafe in broad daylight back in her face. Seraphina believes that the two of them will be able to handle it, but Arlo has no faith in her compromised condition. Nonetheless, Seraphina refuses to endanger anybody else by getting them on Spectre's wanted list. Arlo argues for her to not take all the burden, but she puts her foot down and says they'd have to make due. Fed up with Seraphina's lack of compromise, Arlo departs.

On the way down, Arlo frets that Remi managed to land in trouble yet again. His attention is shifted when a familiar voice calls out his name. It's John, the last person he ever wants to deal with. Arlo directs him to Seraphina, but John tells him that talking to her hasn't done him any good so far. Arlo tries to disregard John's concerns, but he's forced to stay when Terrence gets unexpectedly brought up. John lays out his knowledge of Terrence's ability and how he's been using it. Arlo has to clamp his hand over John's mouth before he brings up the connection with the group who ambushed Seraphina. John ungags himself and asks why Arlo's so jumpy. Arlo whispers that John risks screwing over everybody if he doesn't watch what he says about their invisible stalker. John presses Arlo to willingly spill his guts about why Terrence invokes such anxiety. Arlo advises John to not poke his nose into the matter any further. John firmly states that he's already neck-deep in the situation, given that he participated in the conflict that took place in his own apartment. He promises to help, but Arlo scoffs that he's proven time and again that his presence has caused nothing but disaster for the school. John doesn't argue with that point, but counters that Arlo is clearly worried about being able to handle things without extra assistance. When Arlo tries to end their discussion by walking away, John tries a new tactic. He threatens to raise his voice and blab about Terrence-related things with no regard for anybody within earshot. Again, Arlo finds himself needing to keep John from making a mess of things. When he's (loudly) asked how Seraphina managed to get her ability back, he angrily answers that she actually didn't. John is stunned, since the big fight seemed to unmistakably indicate otherwise. John wastes no time in trying to get Arlo to clear things up. But their exchange is cut short when Seraphina herself tells Arlo that he's said too much already. Arlo attempts to make his feelings clear on her actions known, but she activates her ability and shuts him up. With the loss of one source of info, John again pleads for an explanation from Seraphina. She tells him that she's proven that she's fine, and that he should stop worrying already. Seraphina dismisses all further concerns from her friend and heads to the cafeteria. Before following her, John exchanges one last look of concern with Arlo.


Appearing Characters[]

Appearing Abilities

