I'm gonna need a break from this vigilante stuff for a while.
- Blyke hangs up his heroic gloves
This is the 199th chapter of unORDINARY
As Blyke reels back at the mention of ability amplifiers, Ponytail begins to search Raddix. His search turns up nothing, and leads him to assume that Lennon was carrying their whole stash. Clutching the vials in his hoodie pouch, Blyke contemplates whether to correct him. Suddenly, Ponytail throws Lennon's vials to the ground where they shatter on impact, their contents forever lost. The shocked Blyke asks whether he shouldn't have held on to those so he could turn them in. Ponytail asks if he means to the Authorities before reminding him of their unfavorable stance on vigilantes. Blyke asks if he at least tried. Pointing out his greater experience in this field of work, Ponytail confirms a past attempt that went nowhere. Thus he decided to get to the bottom of things and trace the amps to their origins personally. Blyke nervously asks if Ponytail is aware of how dangerous it is to interfere with a drug ring run by EMBER. This direct line of questioning informed Ponytail that Blyke was familiar with the crimes of EMBER. Internally, Blyke curses his failure to keep his lip zipped in front of this stranger. Ponytail goes on to confirm that EMBER was indeed the distributor of these drugs, but their focus was on low-tier districts. It came as a surprise to him that someone as strong as Lennon managed to acquire some despite not meeting EMBER's qualifications. When Blyke requests elaboration, Ponytail says that the primary market for these amps was mostly made up of mid-tiers. Blyke figures that would help to keep public attention away. Ponytail confirms that EMBER seeks to keep things discrete as possible, the primary reason for their business model was to test out the effects of the drug. The current version of the drug causes severe after-effects, including withdrawal that's plagued ever user as soon as the amp wears off. There was no telling what sort of long-term effects come as a result of these drugs. But if the amplifiers were successfully perfected, they would change everything. The present batch of amps were successful in the sense that a single vial strengthened a user's ability by half its original level. A version of this drug that didn't come with any repercussions could drive users to do the unthinkable. Blyke dreads what a high-tier could do under the influence of this drug.
Ponytail decides to change the subject and ask Blyke why he became a vigilante despite the associated risks. Having learned from being too forward with his personal experiences, Blyke insists that Ponytail share his story first. The older vigilante obliges, and explains about how he gained a new perspective after reading a book his friend recommended. This book was the infamous Unordinary, a title Blyke recognized as allegedly converting many who read it into vigilantes. Blyke asks if Pontail's friend led a life of crime-fighting as well. After learning that he had, Blyke follows up by asking why they weren't working together. Ponytail answers that his friend died at the hands of EMBER's agents. Blyke apologizes for reminding him, but Ponytail lets it slide and asks Blyke to share his reasons for becoming a vigilante. He admits to being ashamed of his motivation after hearing Ponytail's story, but says that he wanted to get stronger so that he wouldn't fail to protect his friends anymore. Ponytail agrees that vigilantism was one of the more foolhardy methods of becoming stronger, but nonetheless considers Blyke to be a good kid with noble intentions. He offers to train Blyke as they work together on future cases. Blyke is initially thrilled that an expert vigilante wants him at his side. But then he remembers just how close a call this night was, and turns the offer down. Blyke states that the ordeal he just went through made him realize that he's out of his league. Ponytail argues that Blyke did well, but Blyke remains unconvinced of his own capability. Deciding that he needed to step away from the vigilante life, Blyke thanks Poytail for rescuing him and wishes him luck on his mission to take down EMBER. Ponytail watches as Blyke departs Grasshill.
At daybreak, Blyke is sound asleep when Isen kicks open the door and yells at him to get up. This doesn't stir him, so Isen throws a pillow at his roommate's face to wake him up. Blyke yells that he's allowed to sleep in on the week end, but Isen points out that it's the afternoon and that they had to discuss the grand opening of Safe House. Accompanying Isen is Remi, who hands Blyke some burgers from lunch in case he's hungry. She then takes notice of Blyke's new facial scar and asks where he got it from. Think quickly, Blyke claims that he slipped on his way to the bathroom, which Isen finds hilarious. Blyke heads off to brush his teeth, while a concerned Remi wonders why he's acting so suspiciously.
Appearing Characters[]
Appearing Abilities
- Conjure: Disks (flashback)
- Archer (flashback)
- Energy Discharge