John had alot of trouble coming to terms with reality.
- Claire
Continuing her recollection of her middle school years, Claire told Seraphina about how she, John, and Adrion were once friends during middle school, and despite occasional run-ins against bullies, Claire and Adrion found contentment with their lives. However, unlike Claire or Adrion, John would often be angry and frustrated with the hierarchy imposed by society and his position as a cripple. "John had alot of trouble coming to terms with reality," as Claire uts it.
During her final year of middle school, Claire had her first vision of John and witnessed him using a "ray-like" ability; she immediately went to John's house to tell him the good news (and interrupted John's attempt at making a house of cards). John initially dismissed Claire's claim (which even she found hard to swallow) as a joke. But deep down, he wanted Claire's vision to be true. Claire mentions how since she told him about his supposed future, John would often sneak out and attempt to "activate" his ability with no success whatsoever. It had always been his dream to become stronger in order to win his own battles, and having an ability would have been made it come true.
Claire's vision would eventually come into fruition when John, Claire, and Adrion ran into some bullies. With Adrion and Claire already defeated, John refused to stay down and attempted to continue fighting against the bully, despite his friends' protests. Just as the lead bully was about to blast John's face with a projectile ability, John instinctively raised his own hand and fired a ray from his own hand. That day, John's ability finally manifested, and while he lost the battle, John was overjoyed to finally have an ability he can call his own. However, having an ability would change John for the worst in times to come.
Appearing Characters[]
- Claire
- John
- Adrion
- Lone New Bostin Bully
- William H. Doe
- Oliver & Co.
Appearing Abilities
- Heat Palm-like Ability
- Adrion's Ability
- Clairvoyance
- [[Catalyst Ray|]]
- Aura Manipulation
Notes & Trivia[]
- This chapter marks the first chronological appearance of John's Aura Manipulation.