UnOrdinary Wikia
UnOrdinary Wikia

What the hell am I doing back here?

- John, to himself

This is the 101st episode of unORDINARY.


John and Seraphina take notice of the crowd around the noticeboard and discover that it is an article on Sera's recent ability-loss. John, knowing all too well what would happen next, grabs Sera's arm and runs with her. Skrev and Crail take after them, intending to beat them up. John fends them off and continues running with Sera toward the stairs, but a third student Krolik blasts a Lazor at them. John takes the hit for Sera, then gets punched in the face and goes down. Sera shoves one of the students away and more fighting is about to go down when Blyke appears to break it up.

Appearing Characters[]

Appearing Abilities

