UnOrdinary Wikia

Catch Up is an ability which increases its user's speed. It is similar to the ability Speed


Users of this ability can pursue things from a distance, thereby also enhancing their speed. Their body will be surrounded with the user's signature color.

Strength & Limitations[]

While it's not very deadly on it's own, if an Aura Manipulation user copies it and combines it with a power-based ability, it becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Notes & Trivia[]

Uru-chan DM

A fan DMs Uru-chan about Catch Up. Screenshot taken by AVATHY of the UnOrdinary Amino.

  • Both Heinz's name and Catch Up are a pun of the popular ketchup brand, Heinz Ketchup.
    • According to a direct message with Uru-chan, Catch Up is not much different from the ability Speed and was made for the sake of the Heinz Ketchup pun.

