UnOrdinary Wikia

One of the buildings that authorities work in.

The Authorities are an organization of the unORDINARY world and the ruling governmental body of said world, as well as the main antagonists of the story. Due to the lack of focus on their backstory, very little is known about them.


Very little is known about the Authorities save for their influence over the society. They enforce the hierarchy that serves as the bedrock of society, favoring the high tiers over the low. The Authorities were responsible for the banning of William H. Doe's book, Unordinary, due to the society-challenging ideas that it presents. They are located all over the world, as they operate in New Bostin and Wellston. Their only known headquarters is the Bureau of Authority. According to Keon, it is implied that Authorities have numerous departments that specialize in different governmental tasks. Supposedly, there is a branch dedicated to investigating the activities of EMBER, however, this branch is likely a ruse to hide the fact that the authorities are funding EMBER.


  • Leon - Regional head
  • Keon- Interrogator and Reassignment Instructor
  • Nadia- Interrogator
  • Zander
  • Valerie - Department of Anti-Terrorism
  • Byron - Department of Anti-Terrorism
  • Farrah - Department of Anti-Terrorism
  • Arnold
  • Kassandra - Investigator (Department of Anti- Corruption & Transparency (ACT))
  • Dimitri - Recruiter
  • Jude - Executioner
  • Arlo - Part-time Officer (Department of Anti- Corruption & Transparency (ACT))
  • Zeke - Enforcer Intern
  • Victor - Former member of Juvenile Delinquent Department


  • The Authorities in the world of unORDINARY are the equivalent of the real world government.
  • Remi, Blyke, and Isen are the first to find out that they connected to EMBER. Remi is further convinced of this when she sees the striking resemblance between her brother's killer Volcan, and the member of the authorities Valerie.

