UnOrdinary Wikia

The Fork is a kitchen utensil that is used to spear food for ease of consumption. It is also Arlo's weapon of choice besides his nigh-impenetrable Barrier


Arlo's Fork is a four-pronged silver colored metal fork that can be found in Wellston's cafeteria. Besides being a weapon to be used by Wellston's former King, it is a completely ordinary utensil that is used to eat food such as cakes. Apparently it is feared by elite-tiers and even the the creator of unORDINARY herself!


During Arlo's first year, Kuyo volunteered to pass his position as Jack down to Arlo, but decided to prank him by claiming that to be a worthy successor he should be able to throw forks at a distant target with pinpoint accuracy. When Kuyo demonstrated this, Arlo thought it would be easy, but soon realized that it was harder than it seemed. To improve his accuracy, he borrowed large amounts of forks from the bemused cafeteria ladies and perfected his aim.[1]

In his second year, in order to grab Blyke and Isen's attention, Arlo snatched The Fork from another student and threw it at a wall. After startling the two elite-tiers, Arlo battled the two outside and won.[2]


Season 1[]

Apparently Arlo's Fork almost impaling him in the cafeteria traumatized Isen in some way as he imagined Arlo threatening him with The Fork.[3]

Season 2[]

While asking Blyke about a hypothetical scenario, Isen imagined Arlo stabbing him with The Fork.[4]

Bonus Episodes[]

Arlo used The Fork to threaten Uru-chan when she nearly introduced him as Asslo.[5]


  • Arlo has also used a knife, and so only needs to be seen using a spoon to be officially considered the utensil king.
  • As a testament to its ultimate power, even Elite -Tiers fear being threatened by The King’s weapon.

